Wednesday 3 August 2011

Simply Delicious

Owing to the success of the pizza evenings, Jenni had to make pizza bases and ragu on an industrial scale today. Peppercorn Pizza Parlour seems to have really taken off! We've added a new topping: homemade pesto with roasted mixed peppers, and pretty popular it is too. We hope to feature a special topping each evening alongside the regular flavours on sale. We qualified for Lilla's stamp of approval when she ate ⅓ of a Margherita on the first evening, and managed a similar feat the day before yesterday. Not bad for 8 months old!
Back to the daytime Peppercorn Kitchen, we've extended the choice of meringues (inspired partly by Amy's boyfriend, Harry, who doesn't like rosewater - strange but true). My favourite is the dark chocolate & Morello cherry meringue but if that's not quite for you, there's also lemon & cardamom or white chocolate & cranberry.
The specials board today included some beautifully fresh local mackerel (thank you Karen) pan-fried and served with a generous dollop of gooseberry jam, toast and our house salad. Simple but delicious! This idea of simplicity brings me on to the Rick Stein in Spain series – it's great to see excellent ingredients prepared with little fuss and packed with huge flavours. We are thoroughly enjoying the programme and recommend it.
And finally... a question. Why do people 'Tweet'? We're on Twitter but I'm not sure why. Please advise.

1 comment:

  1. I am very excited at the prospect of Peppercorn Pizzas!!

    Twitter is many wonderful things to many people... but to make the most of it, I recommend un-protecting your Tweets in the settings, so that people can view your page. You'll get many more followers this way, and might meet some interesting people who love food as much as you!

    Twitter can be a useful way of keeping up with your industry, finding customers (especially for your catering company), building a community around your company, getting inspiration for recipes, asking for feedback on ideas... there are endless possibilities. I'm a Twitter fan-girl!!

    - Sarah Cooper
